About Us

The Sudflorida Esperanto Rondo (SfERo) was founded on October 15, 2011 when six of us met for the first time in Oakland Park, FL: Oscar, Roĉjo, Edmar, Tony, Dania, and Daĉjo.  Most of us had never met before and we were only brought together by our common interest in the international language that works, Esperanto.  Some of us were beginners, others were seasoned esperantists and fluent speakers of Esperanto.  Yet, thanks to Esperanto we were all able to communicate and have a good time.  During this first meeting, our group was also "baptized" by Oscar who gave it its name, "SfERo".

We considered this first meeting of SfERo as our little
"Boulogne-sur-Mer" in reference to the place of the very
first Esperanto Congress in 1905.

The goal of SfERo is simply to promote the knowledge of the Esperanto language and culture in South Florida through informal group meetings, courses, and other fun Esperanto-based activities.  Everyone is welcome, regardless of their level of proficiency in Esperanto.

Ni semas kaj semas, neniam laciĝas,

Pri l' tempoj estontaj pensante. 
Cent semoj perdiĝas, mil semoj perdiĝas, - 
Ni semas kaj semas konstante. 
"Ho, ĉesu!" mokante la homoj admonas, - 
"Ne ĉesu, ne ĉesu!" en kor' al ni sonas: 
"Obstine, antaŭen! La nepoj vin benos, 
Se vi pacience eltenos"

(from "La Vojo", de Dr. Zamenhof)

Esperanto is an international language with a rich past, a vibrant present, and a bright future.  We would like to share it with you and help you discover a world that you would have never imagined.

Members of SFERO at the party for the 125th Anniversary of
Esperanto on July 28th, 2012.

We hope to meet you very soon.  Ĝis baldaŭ!

To join our group and be informed about all upcoming events, please register at http://www.meetup.com/NIASFERO/.