By going to the web site of the magazine "Mirmekobo" (, you can obtain a PDF copy of their last 15 editions (going back to April 2008), as well as receive a free copy of their future editions by simply sending an email to
Mirmekobo is a free, independent, and politically neutral magazine. Articles can be submitted by anyone and cover topics as diverse as poetry, history, biographies, legends, or artistic creations.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Esperanta Retradio
Find a wonderful collection of audio and video materials (most with transcripts) on Esperanta Retradio. All materials are free and do not require any subscription. This is a great resource, not only to listen to quality material, but also to improve your listening comprehension and pronunciation of Esperanto.
Click on the "esperanto retradio" logo above to be redirected to their home page.
Uzado de komoj
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D-ro Boris Kolker |
1. Antaux la konjunkcioj "kaj" kaj "aux" oni kutime ne uzu komon.
En pluraj landoj jxurnaloj, televido kaj radio kritikas la misfarojn.
Li redonis la leteron kaj pardonpetis.
Vi devas pagi la kalkulon aux peti konsilon de advokato.
Cxar li estas komercisto kaj cxar li dominas amaskomunikilojn, en li unuigxas preskaux cxiuj gravaj povoj de la lando.
1.1. Oni ne uzu komon antaux "ktp".
1.2. Se "kaj" aux "aux" kunligas tutajn cxeffrazojn, oni uzu komon.
Sxi rigardis lin severe, kaj li silentigxis.
2. Antaux aliaj konjunkcioj ("sed", "nek", "tio estas" ktp) oni uzu komon.
Pluvis, sed li tamen veturis per biciklo.
3. Cxirkaux subfrazo oni uzu komojn. Subfrazo normale komencigxas per subjunkcio (KI-vortoj, "cxar", "cxu", "ke", "kvankam", "ol", "se" ktp) aux plurvorta frazenkondukilo ("nur cxar", "antaux ol", "por ke", "sed ke" ktp).
Homo, kiun oni devas jugxi, estas jugxoto.
Cxu ekzistas kampo de moderna vivo, en kiu ne rolas elektroniko?
Kvankam li nin komprenis, li ne respondis.
Mi faros tion, nur cxar vi mem petis min.
4. Cxirkaux apudmeto, parentezo kaj aldona klarigo oni uzu komojn.
Danubo, la plej longa rivero en Euxropo, enfluas en la Nigran maron.
Nu, ekzemple, mi skribos al vi jenon.
Ecx helporganizajxoj, precipe neregistaraj, retiras siajn komisiitojn.
Sinjoro Arnold, la direktoro de la biblioteko, vizitis nin hieraux.
4.1. Se titolo (aux simila esprimo) staras antaux propra nomo, gxi ne estas apudmeto, do oni ne uzu komojn.
La direktoro de la biblioteko Arnold vizitis la provincon Zelando.
5. Cxirkaux komplemento, en kiu la cxefvorto estas adverba participo, oni uzu komojn.
Promenante sur la strato, mi falis.
6. Cxirkaux postmetita rekta priskribo, esprimita per adjektiva participo kun subordigitaj vortoj, oni uzu komojn.
Boris Grigorjeviĉ Kolker naskiĝis la 15-an de Julio 1939 en Tiraspol (Moldavio, Sovet-Unio). Diplomiĝis pri la rusa kaj franca lingvoj en Kiŝineva Ŝtata Universitato. Laboris kiel instruisto en superaj pedagogiaj institutoj kaj tradukisto de scienc-teknika literaturo. Defendis doktoran disertacion en la Instituto de Lingvoscienco en Moskvo pri la temo “Kontribuo de la rusa lingvo al la formiĝo kaj evoluo de Esperanto”. Ekde 1993 loĝas en Usono. Aŭtoro de interlingvistikaj artikoloj kaj de tri popularaj Esperanto-lernolibroj, inkluzive la perfektigan kurson Vojaĝo en Esperanto-lando. Lernis Esperanton en 1957. Membro de la Akademio de Esperanto kaj Direktoro de ĝia Konsultejo. Honora membro de UEA. Kunredaktoro de Monato. Vicprezidanto de la Internacia Ekzamena Komisiono de ILEI/UEA. En diversaj tempoj kunfondinto kaj kungvidanto de landaj Esperanto-organizaĵoj de Sovet-Unio kaj Rusio, komitatano kaj ĉefdelegito de UEA. Multe instruis Esperanton, precipe koresponde kaj rete.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
El pesimismo al espero
Tiun ĉi sonartikolon en filmeto verkis kaj produktis Gian Piero Savio el Israelo.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Universalaj Kongresoj 1905-2010
105-jara historio de UK prezentita en mallonga formo kun muziko de Ĵak le Puil. La kanton de Ĵak disponigis kaj vendas diske Vinilkosmo. La paĝo de la KD-albumo:
Priŝerco aŭ delekto! (Trick or Treat)
Friday, October 28, 2011
Book your flights: Vietnam to host World Congress of Esperanto in 2012
The 97th World Congress of Esperanto (UK 97) will be held in Vietnam for the first time, said the Vietnam Esperanto Society, at a press briefing in Hanoi on Oct. 26.
During the event, which will be held under the theme “Esperanto – Bridge for Peace, Friendship and Development”, seminars, tourism, cultural and art activities and art performances by the host and participating countries will be organised.Up to 1,700 participants from 60 countries are expected to attend the congress, which will be held in Hanoi from July 27 to August 4, 2012.
Nguyen Van Loi, President of the Vietnam Esperanto Society, said UK 97 will be an opportunity for Vietnam to contribute to the global Esperanto movement and to express thanks to the Esperanto circle for their support to Vietnam ’s struggle for national liberation in the past and the national development at present.
Loi added the Vietnam Esperanto Society has translated and published the “Thuy Tram Diaries” in the Esperanto language to mark the event.
During the event, which will be held under the theme “Esperanto – Bridge for Peace, Friendship and Development”, seminars, tourism, cultural and art activities and art performances by the host and participating countries will be organised.Up to 1,700 participants from 60 countries are expected to attend the congress, which will be held in Hanoi from July 27 to August 4, 2012.
Nguyen Van Loi, President of the Vietnam Esperanto Society, said UK 97 will be an opportunity for Vietnam to contribute to the global Esperanto movement and to express thanks to the Esperanto circle for their support to Vietnam ’s struggle for national liberation in the past and the national development at present.
Loi added the Vietnam Esperanto Society has translated and published the “Thuy Tram Diaries” in the Esperanto language to mark the event.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Interview with Nobel Prize in Esperanto
Reinhard Selten (born 5 October 1930) is a German economist. Selten was born in Breslau (Wrocław) in Lower Silesia, now in Poland, to a Jewish father, Adolf Selten, and Protestant mother, Käthe Luther. For his work in game theory, Selten won the 1994 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (shared with John Harsanyi and John Nash). He is also well known for his work in bounded rationality, and can be considered as one of the founding fathers of experimental economics. He developed an example of a game called Selten's Horse because of its extensive form representation. He is noted for his publishing in non-refereed journals to avoid being forced to make unwanted changes to his work.
Selten is professor emeritus at the University of Bonn, Germany, and holds several honorary doctoral degrees. He has been an Esperantist since 1959., and met his wife through the Esperanto movement. He is a member and co-founder of the International Academy of Sciences San Marino.
For the European Parliament election, 2009, he was the top candidate for the German wing of Europe – Democracy – Esperanto.
Selten is professor emeritus at the University of Bonn, Germany, and holds several honorary doctoral degrees. He has been an Esperantist since 1959., and met his wife through the Esperanto movement. He is a member and co-founder of the International Academy of Sciences San Marino.
For the European Parliament election, 2009, he was the top candidate for the German wing of Europe – Democracy – Esperanto.
Esperanto through Claude Piron's eyes
Claude Piron (26 February 1931 – 22 January 2008) was a psychologist and a translator for the United Nations (from Chinese, English, Russian and Spanish into French) from 1956 to 1961. After leaving the UN, he worked the world over for the World Health Organization. He was a prolific author of Esperanto works. He spoke Esperanto from childhood and used it in Japan, the People's Republic of China,Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, in Africa and Latin America, and in nearly all the countries of Europe.
Mr. Piron's works can be readily found on the internet in French, English, and of course in Esperanto. For a sample of such works, visit: his articles, his books and short stories, his open letters, his different audio and video recordings, and his bibliography. For those of you who understand French, I would highly recommend his 10-part video series entitled "Les langues: un défi" that can be found at the botton of the section on audio and video recordings. It is truly enlightening.
Claude Piron (1931- 2008). Esperantistiĝis en 1945. Belgo, loĝanta en Svislando. Psiĥologo, tradukisto. Estismembro de la Akademio de Esperanto. Honora membro de Universala Esperanto-Asocio. Membro de EVA (EsperantlingvaVerkista Asocio). Instruis Esperanton ĉe la Ŝtata Universitato de San-Francisko. Majstro de verkado en parola Esperanto.Libro pri Esperanto "La bona lingvo". Poezia libro "Malmalice". Fantazia romano "Tien". Sub pseŭdonimo Johán Valanoeldonigis facilajn librojn por novaj esperantistoj kaj serion de distraj krimromanoj: "Ĉu vi kuiras ĉine?", "Ĉu li bremsissufiĉe?", "Ĉu li venis trakosme?", "Ĉu ni kunvenis vane?"; ankaŭ la novelaron "Ĉu rakonti novele?". Franclingva studo pri lamondaj lingvaj komunik-problemoj kun detala pritrakto de Esperanto.
Claude Piron (1931- 2008). Esperantistiĝis en 1945. Belgo, loĝanta en Svislando. Psiĥologo, tradukisto. Estismembro de la Akademio de Esperanto. Honora membro de Universala Esperanto-Asocio. Membro de EVA (EsperantlingvaVerkista Asocio). Instruis Esperanton ĉe la Ŝtata Universitato de San-Francisko. Majstro de verkado en parola Esperanto.Libro pri Esperanto "La bona lingvo". Poezia libro "Malmalice". Fantazia romano "Tien". Sub pseŭdonimo Johán Valanoeldonigis facilajn librojn por novaj esperantistoj kaj serion de distraj krimromanoj: "Ĉu vi kuiras ĉine?", "Ĉu li bremsissufiĉe?", "Ĉu li venis trakosme?", "Ĉu ni kunvenis vane?"; ankaŭ la novelaron "Ĉu rakonti novele?". Franclingva studo pri lamondaj lingvaj komunik-problemoj kun detala pritrakto de Esperanto.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
1ª Esperanta Kinofestivalo "Kino sen limoj"
De la 10-a ĝis la 13-a de julio 2011 en San-Paŭlo, Brazilo okazis la unua Esperanta Kinofestivalo enkadre de Tutamerika Kongreso de Esperanto (TAKE). Por la festivalo estis alsenditaj 21 videaĵoj el 13 landoj en tri kategorioj: 5-, 15- kaj 30-sekundaj filmoj. Pliaj 15 filmoj el 7 landoj estis prezentitaj en nekonkursa programo.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
The Prague Manifesto
The Prague Manifesto (or Manifesto de Prago) is a set of seven widely-shared principles of the Esperanto movement. It was drafted at the 1996 World Congress of Esperanto which occurred in Prague by officials from UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and attendees of the congress. The document emphasizes democratic communication, language rights, preservation of language diversity, and effective language education.
Esperanto Tongue Twisters
Petro, vi la permeson de la patro nepre prenu por partopreni entreprenon.
Pete, surely ask permission of your father to take part in an enterprise.
Ĉu ŝi ĉiam ĉe ĉio ruĝiĝas?
Does she always blush at every occasion?
Serpo servu cin por ĉerpo el cerbo de serba cervo.
May a billhook serve thee to scoop out a Serbian deer's brain.
La oleoj el ajlo jam je junio junas.
The garlic oil is already young in June.
Ĉu ŝi scias ĉu ĉi-scene la sklavo ŝtelos la sceptron?
Does she know if the slave will steal the scepter in this scene?
Ŝi ŝerce ŝanĝis la ŝarĝaĵon.
She (for fun) changed the load
Ĉe la libroŝrankoj traspertu travivi la kulturscio!
At the book shelves try to go through the culture knowledge!
Tri tre drinkemaj fratoj trafis truon de l' trotuaro.
Three very drunk brothers hit a hole in the sidewalk.
Frivolaj friponoj fervore priridas perfortajn fervojojn.
Frivolous cheats laugh eagerly at violent railways.
Scivolema sciuro.
Curious squirrel.
Eĥoŝanĝo ĉiu-ĵaude.
Change of the echo every Thursday.
Ne ploru, plorulino, pro propra plezuro.
Don't cry, crying girl, for your own pleasure.
Ŝi, ŝue starante, senŝeligas ŝosojn.
She, standing in her shoes, removes the integument from shoots (sprouts).
Science fiction
Damn sweat
To hover
Transskribo la dekstra ekscio kon eksscio.
I transcribe the right flash of insight with hindsight.
Al la apartamento parte apartenas aparta portaparato.
To the apartment partly belongs a separate lift.
Kiu kuiras keksojn kuirejen?
Who is cooking cakes in the kitchen?
Ĉu mi estas antaŭ aŭ malantaŭ vi?
Am I infront of or behind you?
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
La Espero - La himno de Esperantujo.
"La Espero" ("The Hope") is a poem written by L. L. Zamenhof (1859-1917), the initiator of the Esperanto language. The song is often used as the anthem of Esperanto, and is now usually sung to a triumphal march composed by Félicien Menu de Ménil (although there is an earlier, less martial tune created in 1891 by Claes Adelsköld, as well as a number of others less well-known). It is sometimes referred to as the hymn of the Esperanto movement.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Radio programs in EO
Starigite en 1998, Radio Verda estas pionira sendependa produktejo de interreta aŭda programaro disponata senpage per TTT. La sonmagazinoj aŭdeblas per tujaŭskultilo, per rekta elŝuto aŭ abone laŭ podkasta formato. En ĉiu numero, Arono kaj Karlina en Vankuvero, Kanado prezentas mallongajn diversaĵojn en Esperanto.
Click on the Logo above to be redirected to their site
Click on the Logo above to be redirected to their site
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Great resource for Esperanto phrases
The Tatoeba Project now references more than 103,000 phrases in Esperanto. You can contribute to its growth by adding, translating, adopting, improving, and discussing sentences as well. This is another wonderful resource for Esperantujo. The entire interface is also available in Esperanto.
The graph below shows that, as of October 5 2011, Esperanto is the third most popular language on this site, after English and Japanese. You can help further raise EO's visibility by contributing your translations to this site.
The graph below shows that, as of October 5 2011, Esperanto is the third most popular language on this site, after English and Japanese. You can help further raise EO's visibility by contributing your translations to this site.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Learn how to make your own study materials with Quizlet
This short video illustrates the capabilities of It has proven to be a very useful tool in preparing interactive flashcards that can be shared with others and used on the PC as well as mobile devices. A great way to memorize anything on the go. Oh...and it's free!
Learn the continents and oceans in EO
This is an example of how to use Quizlet to memorize the names of continents and oceans in Esperanto. Experiment with the different study modes (see drop-down control in bottom right corner) to explore some fun and effective possibilities.
Bonega retvortaro!
This online dictionary enables you to automatically search up to seven EO/EN dictionaries and provides context-sensitive Wikipedia results when applicable. This is a must have for the Esperanto student or translator.
Recommended Book
Esperanto Learning and Using the International Language
This introductory textbook begins with an extensive English-language introduction, covering the need for an international language, an overview of Esperanto's history, and the international Esperanto community. A series of brief lessons with exercises follows, concentrating on practical communication and vocabulary. The highlight of the book is a graded reader, which includes history, letters, stories, and poetry (both translated from English and drawn from original Esperanto literature) that gradually introduce more advanced usage and additional vocabulary. The book concludes with an abridged Esperanto-to-English dictionary. See readers' reviews.
by David Richardson. ISBN 0939785064.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Esperanto Course - La Pasporto al la tuta Mondo
For more information about this course, see this link. The playlist below contains all 4 DVDs.
Pasporto is a carefully graded introductory course designed to take a beginning student through the principal stages of Esperanto acquisition.
Vocabulary, phrases and grammar are introduced naturally via the dialogue. By the end of the 15 lessons it is anticipated that the learner will be able to:
Pasporto is a carefully graded introductory course designed to take a beginning student through the principal stages of Esperanto acquisition.
Vocabulary, phrases and grammar are introduced naturally via the dialogue. By the end of the 15 lessons it is anticipated that the learner will be able to:
- Converse with confidence and accuracy in a range of everyday situations;
- Understand spoken Esperanto in a variety of contexts and from a variety of speakers with moderate national accents;
- Recognize the principal features of Esperanto grammar and apply them in spoken and written discourse;
- Identify and understand aspects of Esperanto culture Flourish in the wider Esperanto world, participating with profit and pleasure in Esperanto courses and events such as local, regional, national and international gatherings and excursions.
Esperanto Course - Mazi en Godolando
All 18 videos of the Esperanto Course "Mazi en Gondolando" are contained in the Youtube playlist below. See more information about this popular program on Wikipedia.
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